• August 11th, 2016

Based on the Non-Traffic Surveillance (NTS) system, an average of 1,898 people were killed each year in non-traffic motor vehicle crashes during the 3-year period 2012 to 2014. About a third (34%) of those people killed were nonoccupants such as pedestrians and bicyclists. Additionally, on an average, 92,000 people were injured in these crashes each year, of which a third (33%) were nonoccupants.

Traffic Safety Facts, NHTSA, August 2016

Table 1: Nonoccupants Killed in Non-Traffic Crashes from 2012 and 2014

Killed by201220132014Total3 Year Average

Forward Moving Vehicles 225/35% 245/39% 336/51% 806 269/42%
Backing Vehicles 251/40% 233/37% 193/29% 677 226/35%
Rollaway Vehicles (unattended with no driver in control) 145/23% 128/20% 87/13% 360 120/19%
Other (stopped, disabled, or parked vehicles) 13/2% 23/4% 48/7% 84 28/4%
Subtotals (34%) 634 629 664 1927 642

Table 2: Occupants Killed in Non-Traffic Crashes from 2012 and 2014

Killed by201220132014Total3 Year Average

Single-Vehicle Crashes 1265/95% 1141/89% 1123/97% 3529 1176/94%
Multiple-Vehicle Crashes 60/5% 141/11% 38/3% 239 80/6%
Subtotals (66%) 1325 1282 1161 3768 1256

Table 3: Total Nonoccupants and Occupants Killed in Non-Traffic Crashes from 2012 and 2014

Percentage201220132014Total3 Year Average

Nonoccupants 34% 634 629 664 1927 642
Occupants 66% 1325 1282 1161 3768 1256
Total 66% 1959 1911 1825 5695 1898


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