Improving Safety Programs Through Data Governance and Data Business Planning
Number E-C196
The objective of this peer exchange was to bring together the FHWA Office of Safety, AASHTO safety entities, and state DOT representatives from management, safety, statewide data, GIS, and IT to discuss data governance and data business planning solutions that can improve the agency capabilities response to meeting DOT and national safety requirements. Peer participants explored data governance and data business planning solutions for improving safety data and shared best practices on implementing data governance Attendees also explored both technical and organizational factors and identified possible research needs. The peer was held March 3–4, 2015, in Washington, D.C.
Invited state agency participants prepared advance reports highlighting their current practices, successes, and implementation challenges in safety data governance and data business planning. A summary of the state reports was presented at a webinar on February 15, 2015. The FHWA Office of Safety, Alaska DOT&PF, Idaho DOT, and Michigan DOT also presented on this topic at a session at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board in 2015.
A major product of the peer is this TRB e-circular which outlines possible research initiatives to advance the state of the practice. In addition, a future webinar on the results of the peer exchange is planned for delivery through AASHTO.