Mapping to MMUCC: A Process for Comparing Police Crash Reports and State Crash Databases to the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria
Report No.: DOT HS 812 184
The Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) Guideline, Fourth Edition (2012), is a voluntary guideline designed to help States determine what crash data to collect on their police accident reports (PARs) and what data to code and carry in their crash databases. The MMUCC Guideline does not provide States with guidance on implementation. States have their own data collection guidelines, which has resulted in substantial variation among States regarding how and what crash data is collected across jurisdictions and what data is maintained on their crash databases. States often use different formats and names for data elements and attributes or they may combine (or split) elements and attributes. As a result, it is very difficult to compare or share crash data among States, between State and Federal datasets, and—in some cases—even between different agencies within a State. To assist States in evaluating their consistency with MMUCC, NHTSA and GHSA have developed a methodology for mapping the data collected on PARs and the data entered and maintained on crash databases to the data elements and attributes in the MMUCC Guideline. This methodology is intended to standardize how States compare both their PARs and their crash databases to MMUCC. The process recognizes that while State data systems often use different terminology and formatting, different data sets often can be mapped to the recommended MMUCC data elements and attributes.