Driver Issues

Drivers on the road play a key role in traffic safety. Understanding driver related risks and how you can proactively address these issues can impact the safety of our roadways.

Senior Drivers

Drivers aged 65 and over represent a growing segment of America's licensed drivers, and face an increased risk of traffic-related injuries and fatalities. Mature drivers often face impairments in vision, cognition, and motor function that affect driving abilities.

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Young Drivers

Newly licensed drivers and teen drivers experience a heightened number of traffic crashes and fatalities. This can be due to impairment, passengers, distracting electronic devices, speeding, and not wearing a seat belt.

Young drivers, parents, and educators can be proactive in addressing these issues through research, community partnerships, grant programs and public awareness campaigns such as NHTSA’s National Teen Driver Safety Week.

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Child safety in and around cars includes proper restraints and extends to the prevention of rollaway, backover, and heat stroke dangers. NHTSA provides educational information to parents and caregivers through prevention campaigns.

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Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving is the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property. Aggressive driving behaviors include following too closely, driving at excessive speeds, weaving through traffic, and running stop lights and signs, among other acts. Aggressive driving is a traffic violation.

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Hit & Run

A hit and run occurs when is a pedestrian, vehicle, fixed object, or an animal is involved in a car accident and one of the vehicles leaves the scene without stopping to identify itself or render aid to anyone who might need assistance. The act is committed by leaving the scene of the accident regardless of fault.

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Road Rage

Road Rage encompasses the angry and violent behaviors at the extreme of the aggressive driving continuum. It includes gesturing in anger, yelling at another motorist, confrontation, physical assault, and even murder. Road rage, aside from the yelling and gesticulating, is a criminal offense.

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NHTSA considers a crash to be speeding related if any driver in the crash was charged with a speeding-related offense or if a police officer indicated that racing, driving too fast for conditions, or exceeding the posted speed limit was a contributing factor in the crash.

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Distracted Driving

Distractions both inside and outside of the vehicle can cause drivers to take their eyes from the road long enough to put themselves and other roadway users in serious jeopardy.

Distracted driving enforcement concentrates on a driver’s self-imposed distractions, such as texting, electronic device, eating or putting on makeup.

Consider implementing an app to fight distracted driving such as LifeSaver or Mojo. Distracted driving apps encourage users to drive safely by blocking calls and text messages as well as rewarding safe driving.

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Drowsy Driving

Drowsy Driving is a common driver issue where the driver's attention is diverted from driving responsibilities from tiredness, lack of sleep or boredom. Combat drowsy driving with these useful tips:

  • Find a rest-stop where you can stretch and walk around
  • Find a place to get a snack or a cup of coffee
  • Turn the radio volume up loud
  • Roll down your windows
  • Chew gum or eat sunflower seeds while driving
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Impaired Driving

Impaired driving describes the criminal offence of operating or having control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or a drug. Read More

NHTSA offers the following advice to prevent impaired driving

Designate a Sober Driver

When planning on consuming alcohol, designate a sober driver before going out and give that person your keys.

Call a Ride

If you’re impaired, call a taxi or rideshare, use mass transit, or call a sober friend or family member to get you home safely.


Promptly report drunk drivers you see on the roadways to law enforcement.

Restraints & Protective Gear

Wearing your safety belt while in a car or using a helmet and protective gear when on a motorcycle is your best defense against an impaired driver.

Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk

If you know someone who is about to drive or ride while impaired, take their keys and help them make other arrangements to get to where they are going safely.