• December 3rd, 2024

This report reviews and assesses driver monitoring systems (DMS) and related technologies for alcohol
impairment detection and SAE International Level 2 partial driving automation systems. For the review of
technologies to identify driver alcohol impairment, 331 technologies were reviewed. The systems were classified
as physiology-based, tissue spectroscopy-based, camera-based, vehicle kinematics-based, hybrid, and patent-stage systems. A key focus was to review systems that are being developed to detect alcohol-related driving
impairment, as well as systems that can estimate blood alcohol concentrations. Of the systems reviewed, no
commercially available product was found to estimate the presence or amount of alcohol or identify alcohol
impairment in the driver during the driving task. Behavioral indicators investigated included eye glances, facial
features, posture, and vehicle kinematic metrics. Camera-based and most physiology-based DMS are still in
stages of preliminary research and design for alcohol impairment detection. The efficacy of vehicle kinematic
measures in identifying alcohol impairment is currently undetermined. Finally, hybrid systems that use two or
more types of detection technologies are promising in being able to discern between driver states, due to the
number of different measures used in making state determinations.

Read the full study here.