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  • January 24th, 2022
Published: Jan. 19, 2022 at 2:24 PM CST

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) – The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency is launching a new public safety campaign called “Everyone is a Pedestrian” after noting a “dramatic increase” in pedestrian-related crashes and deaths.

ALEA’s Highway Patrol Division and its law enforcement partners across the state investigated 769 such crashes in 2021, with 125 pedestrians dying as a result.

2021 was the deadliest year since at least 2016 when there were 122 pedestrian deaths, according to data from The Center for Advanced Public Safety at the University of Alabama.

The number could still increase, ALEA cautioned, since local agencies may continue to report additional numbers.

Read the full article on WSFA’s website.