Highlights of Association Activity, FY 2021
The report provides updates on GHSA’s activities and achievements, focusing on three key areas:
Collaborating with Congress and Federal Agencies
GHSA worked with Congress and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to adapt highway safety program requirements amid the continued COVID-19 pandemic, engaged on transportation reauthorization and infrastructure legislation to ease administrative burdens and increase flexibility for states, and launched several new behavioral traffic safety research projects.
Advancing Traffic Safety Issues
Through its strong partnerships, GHSA awarded more than $400,000 in grants to its state members to address drunk and drug-impaired driving and speeding by teenage drivers. The association also produced reports addressing equity in highway safety programs, pedestrian safety, micromobility, and teens and speeding.
Expanding and Delivering Member Services
GHSA expanded its virtual offerings to provide an online Executive Seminar for state highway safety office leaders, conduct a series of webinars that attracted 1,400 attendees in lieu of an in-person Annual Meeting, and produce a wealth of communications content to keep members apprised of the latest highway safety developments.
Read the full report here.