Boycott Blackout Wednesday
Excessive drinking is prevalent over the Thanksgiving weekend due, in part, to the cultural phenomena like “Blackout Wednesday”, which highlights, and even encourages, the heavy consumption of alcohol throughout this holiday. Impaired driving crashes spike during the Thanksgiving holiday season.
- From 2014 to 2018, 138 drivers involved in fatal crashes on Thanksgiving Eve were alcohol-impaired, and over the entire holiday period, more than 800 people died in alcohol-impaired crashes.
- During the 2018 Thanksgiving holiday period, more than three times as many drivers involved in fatal crashes were alcohol-impaired during nighttime hours than during the day.
Additionally, throughout the Thanksgiving weekend, we will focus on raising awareness about the dangers of drug-impaired driving with the campaign message: If You Feel Different, You Drive Different.
It doesn’t matter what term you use: If a person is feeling a little high, buzzed, stoned, wasted, or drunk, he or she is impaired and should never get behind the wheel.