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  • June 29th, 2021

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) – This week is National Tire Safety Week, a time to focus on properly maintaining your tires so you can get where you’re going safely.

A recent U.S. Tire Manufacturer’s Association/Discount Tire/Ipsos survey of 1,431 American drivers ages 18 and older revealed the following insights about tire safety:

  • 48% of drivers don’t know how often to check tire pressure, including 3% who believe they never have to check.
  • 53%of drivers don’t know how to check tread wear to determine if tires show signs of damage and need to be replaced.
  • 53% of drivers do not know how often to rotate their tires.
  • Almost all drivers (94%) realize proper tire inflation saves money, but most don’t realize just how much.

See the full article here.