Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian – STEP
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2016 witnessed the most pedestrian fatalities since 1990, accounting for approximately 16 percent of all roadway fatalities (5,987). In 2016, 72% of pedestrian fatalities occurred away from intersections (e.g., mid-block locations) and approximately 26% occurred at intersections.
This full day workshop, through the Federal Highway Administration’s Every Day Counts program, will provide an overview of the pedestrian safety crossing problem and provide resources for addressing the problem and present the “Spectacular 7” safety treatments. These treatments include: rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs), leading pedestrian intervals (LPIs), crosswalk visibility enhancements, raised crosswalks, pedestrian crossing/refuge islands, pedestrian hybrid beacons (PHBs) and road diets.
This workshop includes a group field visit exercise where participants will evaluate a nearby corridor for pedestrian safety and make recommendations for improvements if needed.
Participants completing this seminar will receive 0.60 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). The cost for this seminar is $75.00 per person.