Save a Life – Spread the Message on Heatstroke Prevention Day
The summer sun is in full effect, and temperatures are continuing to soar across the country. While the sun is perfect for a day at the beach, hot days can also have a sinister side – especially when it involves a child who has been left unattended or gotten trapped inside a vehicle.
Tragically in the United States, every 10 days a child dies as a result of vehicular heatstroke. Since 1998, there have been 816 deaths, with 21 already this year.
The sickening truth? These deaths were 100% preventable.
Education is the first step in prevention, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is leading the charge, but we can’t spread this life-saving message without your help.
On July 31, National Heatstroke Prevention Day, we will be tweeting from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET about the dangers of heatstroke, and offering prevention tips. We invite you to share your own message this day, too. Let’s blast a powerful, loud, and unified safety message all over the web.
Encourage your social network to share the message, too. Each share gets us closer to eliminating these senseless tragedies.
Please don’t ignore our cry for help. Join NHTSA in spreading the message. Let’s stop this troubling trend, stop the heartbreak, and stop children from dying in hot cars.