Tag: Federal Highway Administration

  • December 3rd, 2024

The Systemic Safety User Guide is an update to the Federal Highway Administration’s Systemic Safety Project Selection Tool. The Guide presents a process for incorporating systemic planning into the safety management process. The chapters describe how agencies can identify focus crash types, facility types, and risk factors; screen and prioritize candidate locations using risk; identify […]

  • July 19th, 2024

Traffic management systems (TMSs) and Transportation Management Centers are critical resources that offer agencies the potential to improve the safety and mobility of travel on the surface transportation system. TMSs also assist agencies fulfilling the ever-increasing transportation needs of travelers (e.g., travel times), service providers (e.g., transit, emergency services), other agencies, and the public (e.g., […]

  • March 8th, 2024

This document takes an expansive view and considers how pavement and bridge conditions can contribute to system performance areas, such as highway safety, freight mobility, or reliability. The document also considers other impacts, such as how attributes such as pavement shoulders, pavement friction, or bridge conditions contribute to highway safety, freight movement, noise reduction, and […]

  • February 2nd, 2024

On December 4, 2015, President Obama signed into law Public Law 114-94, the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act). The FAST Act funds surface transportation programs—including, but not limited to, Federal-aid highways—at over $305 billion for fiscal years (FY) 2016 through 2020. It is the first long-term surface transportation authorization enacted in a decade […]

  • January 17th, 2024

Walking, biking, and other sustainable modes of transportation are critical options in communities throughout the United States, particularly for economically disadvantaged communities. However, fatalities among pedestrians and bicyclists have been increasing even faster than the overall fatalities among all road users, which has drawn a focus on the safety of vulnerable road users (defined below). […]

  • October 23rd, 2023

Operations strategies aim to optimize the movement of people and goods across the transportation system. Operations includes all modes of travel and often requires multi jurisdictional and interagency collaboration throughout planning, project development, and deployment. While often considered tools for decreasing congestion and improving reliability, operations strategies can also be instrumental in reducing the risk […]

  • September 21st, 2023

Transportation data sharing partnerships are becoming increasingly important as transportation systems continue to evolve and become more complex. As the demand for transportation services grows, the need for accurate and timely data becomes paramount for staff and the public to make informed decisions. This report is a culmination of research and analysis conducted by the […]

  • September 8th, 2023

When approaching a lane reduction, drivers typically attempt to merge into the appropriate lane as soon as possible, even in congested conditions. Aggressive driving can occur when drivers merge at the last minute because they are potentially perceived to be “cutting the line.” This perception could stem from traditional traffic control device messaging suggesting that […]