COVID-19 Impacts on the Trucking Industry
The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 has likely impacted the U.S. economy like no other event since the Great Depression. Shelter-at-home laws, business closures and “social distancing” have dramatically affected every sector of the economy, from manufacturing to consumer spending. Recent economic analyses indicate that the COVID-related unemployment levels exceeded 20 percent in March 2020 – representing nearly 27 million lost jobs in the course of approximately 40 days.
Recognizing that the COVID pandemic’s unparalleled impact on the trucking industry necessitates immediate and timely COVID-related research, the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) and the Owner-Operator Independent Driver Association Foundation (OOIDA Foundation) developed a collaborative research methodology for ascertaining the myriad impacts that the pandemic is having on supply chains, trucking operations, and truck drivers in particular.
Read the study here.
Study provided by the ATRI and OOIDA Foundation.