Safe Access for Everyone Is Good for Business
An overarching goal of road corridor projects is to reduce traffic delays and improve safety for all users, including drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and delivery vehicles. Doing so often involves changing the way road users access sites along the road, such as by removing or relocating driveways; adding medians, turning restrictions, service and frontage roads, and new intersection designs; and introducing treatments for safer pedestrian, bicycle, and transit access. The purpose of this document is to address the concerns of business owners about the potential effects of such changes in roadway design on their businesses. Research and experience show that after construction, access changes are unlikely to negatively affect a business. The success or failure of a business depends on many other, more prominent, factors, including the business plan, the quality of the product, demand for the product, competition, price, and customer service. Absent a major change such as the relocation of a major road away from the business or the construction of a view-limiting berm or noise wall, the effects of a change in access tend to occur during construction and are short term. Indeed, corridor projects often provide a boon to businesses. Customers soon learn the new travel patterns, and enhancements to the corridor could entice customers to shop in the area. Improvements through access management could be a win-win situation for both businesses and those who travel on the corridor.
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