Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2018
A systematic and ongoing method of measuring vehicle speeds was introduced in South Australia in 2007 in order to assess the effects of speed reduction countermeasures and to monitor the speed behavior of South Australian motorists over time. More than 100 sites around South Australia have speed measurements taken for a one week period at the same time each survey year. This Report summarizes the data collected in 2018 and makes comparisons with previous surveys and partial surveys dating back to 2002. The following general observations are apparent when considering all the surveys and all the speed measurements: vehicle speeds have been trending down on all road types; the percentage of vehicles obeying the speed limit has been increasing; reductions in high level speeding are more pronounced than those for low level speeding; vehicle speeds appear to be stabilizing in recent years on 50-80 km/h roads while continuing to decline on 100-110 km/h roads; and speed limit compliance is lowest on Adelaide 50 km/h collector roads and rural 100 km/h arterial roads.
Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2020) Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2018 (CASR155), Centre for Automotive Safety Research, Adelaide. April 2020