Tag: driver behavior

  • February 7th, 2025

For more than 20 years speeding has been involved in about one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities (NCSA, 2014, 2023). Even as new vehicle technologies improve driver and passenger safety, a driver’s propensity to drive too fast for the road conditions or more than the speed limit often has tragic consequences. The 2022-2023 National Survey […]

  • January 13th, 2025

Changeable message signs (CMSs) serve as safe, accessible sources of relevant travel information. Previous research has provided insight into the potential value of CMSs as sources of traveler information. However, a gap remains in efforts to document the information and the messaging that effectively promote desired changes in traveler behavior to improve safety and the […]

  • December 15th, 2023

A new report from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), with the support of State Farm®, examines traffic safety cameras – an underutilized tool in the fight to reduce dangerous driving behaviors that contribute to more than 100 people dying on U.S. roads every day. The report discusses the benefits of traffic safety cameras that […]

  • October 9th, 2023

Automated vehicles have the potential to improve safety and mobility. At lower levels of automation (Level 2), drivers are required to supervise the automation and be prepared to intervene as needed to maintain safety. The consequences of these technologies on driver behavior are not yet fully understood, especially as real-world testing has been less common […]

  • September 19th, 2023

This project started with a broad question: What can new, rich naturalistic driver data such as in the Second Strategic Highway Research Program’s Naturalistic Driving Study (SHRP2-NDS), tell us about how drivers react to roadway designs and access management techniques? To address this question, the project team reviewed and analyzed 6,209 trips that drivers in […]

  • March 28th, 2022

MONTGOMERY — The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) and the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) are launching a campaign to promote safety along Alabama interstate highways. Roughly 13 percent of roadway fatalities occurred within Alabama in 2020 along interstate highways. As part of the campaign, additional ALEA Troopers will be assigned to specific locations along […]

  • May 8th, 2020

With the increased use of electronic devices, distracted driving is assumed to be one of the main causes of crashes. The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has demonstrated interest in addressing distracted driving. However, the real impact of distracted driving on traffic crashes in Illinois is still unclear because of what appears to be a […]