10th University Transportation Cetners Spotlight Conference on Pedestrial & Bicycle Safety
The subject of the 10th University Transportation Centers Spotlight Conference is Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety. Each year, pedestrian and bicycle fatalities comprise over 12 percent of all traffic fatalities. Conditions for safe bicycling and walking have wide-ranging impacts related to accessing public transportation, commuting to school and work, accessing local services, and improving general health. USDOT Secretary Foxx’s pedestrian and bicycle safety initiative has become one of the Department’s signature programs. However, there is a dearth of data and research on the topic leading to more questions than answers.
The conference will promote synergies among diverse transportation research and practitioner groups in order to understand and address the unique issues involved with pedestrian and bicycle safety; to spotlight recently completed and ongoing research by USDOT University Transportation Centers (UTC) and others, and to identify existing knowledge gaps in current research and related activities.